Author: Parvez Hassan

  • OLX Hackathon 2024

    The OLX India Tech Hackathon was an exciting event that brought together our brightest minds to innovate and collaborate in the pursuit of excellence. The energy and creativity were palpable as teams worked tirelessly to develop pioneering solutions. Highlights of the event: 1. Collaborate: Joining forces with fellow innovators to solve a real-world problem2. Innovate:…

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  • Logging at OLX with ClickHouse & Grafana

    At OLX India, our services generate huge volumes of logs that are essential for developers, particularly when debugging or addressing incidents. Historically, we’ve utilized a mix of both open-source and licensed tools, including ELK, NewRelic, and CloudWatch, to manage and analyze these logs. However, over time, we encountered several challenges with these tools that hindered…

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  • Inside OLX India: Strategies for Effective Monitoring & Observability

    Inside OLX India: Strategies for Effective Monitoring & Observability – Observability and monitoring are crucial for maintaining a robust and efficient system. Monitoring provides real-time alerts and performance metrics, helping to identify and address issues before they escalate quickly. Observability goes deeper, offering insights into the internal workings and interactions within the system, making it…

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  • Welcome to OLX Tech Blogs

    OLX India is a leading classifieds platform, boasting over 100+ million app downloads across diverse categories, including cars, bikes, real estate, and electronics. OLX aims to redefine the online classified landscape for its users by extending the lifespan of products through its platform, helping them maximize the value of their belongings and promoting responsible consumption, contributing…

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  • Building a Highly Scalable Media Server

    Here are some insights into how we built a highly scalable media server from scratch in just one month. Which processes over 650M requests daily, with peaks reaching more than 15,000 image fetch requests per second, featuring real-time image processing like watermarking and resizing. It also efficiently serves document and audio media files.

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